"... not always enough."

Being strong is not always enough, because if you do not have the guts to walk forward and to face what is out there, then what does it matter, if you have the strength to defeat the darkness?

"... how cruel isn't fate?"

They were always together,
but in the end that didn't matter at all.
Their lives may have been intertwined in more ways than one,
but when it really mattered,
when they really needed each other,
fate decided to take the other one and leave one behind.

"... here for you."

You can't fight it, can you?
But let me tell you something;
you don't have to,
'cause I am here to help you.
You don't have to carry the
heavy load,
because I am taking half of it,
and letting you rest.

"... in the books."

Every story seems to have that happy ending, that one true love and no heart ache in the end. The bad times simply vanish into nothing and the tears have long since faded for good.
Why can't life be like that too?

"... before it's too late."

I have gotten better at showing of that fake smile and push aside the pain that always lingers. But sometimes it all becomes too overwhelming and I just want someone to hug me and tell everything is going to be alright; even if it is a lie.
I want someone to notice that I can barely stand on my own two feet, and that I am not strong enough to carry on like I do everyday for so much longer.
That I will soon crumble, not able to take it anymore and just fall deeper into the darkness, be swallowed by the shadows.
Could someone please notice before it is too late?

"... denna existens."

Vad förslags existens du än lever
så har du ett liv,
du andas och du har ett hjärta
som slår.

Vare sig du är ung eller gammal,
kriminal eller oskyldig
så har du givits en kropp att ta
hand om,
ett liv att leva.

Du kanske inte rår för hur ditt
liv ser ut,
kanske var den tid innan det här
och du inte visste hur man annars
än att utföra dessa dåd som anses
som får andra att titta på dig med
hånfulla läppar och äcklade ögon.

Eller så har du alltid ett leende
på dina läppar,
lycka i ditt hjärta när du passerar
dina medmänniskor,
och du skrattar åt allting,
har ingenting som tynger dig ner,
bara lycka finns i ditt liv.

Vare sig du har ett svårt liv
eller ett lätt,
ett liv någonstans mittemellan,
så är det ett liv,
som ska vårdas och som ska
tills det är dags att inte längre
och blad för blad flyga bort
med vinden.

"... blodet jag bär."

Vassa nålar stryker
igenom luften,
smeker mina armar
drar det blod jag
inte vill ha.

Mina ögon stirrar
stint på det röda
som flyter,
droppar ner runt
mina fötter och
jag undrar varför
det är så heligt för
medan jag bara
kan titta på medan
det flöder ut ur min

Jag känner mig svagare
för var minut,
mina fingrar söker sig
till de sår jag har,
men jag försöker inte stoppa
flödet av blod
som forsar ut.

Vad ska jag med det till,
när jag inte ens uppskattar
det som givits till mig?
Blod, vem behöver det,
när man inte vill leva?

"... not around."

When I am alive,
these words matter not,
but if I were to die,
would you start

"... thrown in."

Not even the coldest water thrown at me can awaken me from this nightmare that I constantly live in.

"... not enough."

"Why won't you look at me?"
I ask,
my lips forming a pout as I
look away.
My heart is pounding deep
within my chest,
the echo of its drumming
loud in my ears.

"Please, for just one second,
look my way."
I cry,
fisting my hands by my sides
as I try not to let the tears
those salty water-drops that
burn behind my lids,
and obscurs you from view.

"Am I that hideous?"
I whisper,
licking my dry lips as I
turn away,
determined not to let you see
my tears,
see the pain that dwells within.

I could've been the one to guide you
away from the darkness you live in,
but I guess I was not enough.

"... these shadows within and around."

Whenever I try to stand,
whenever I try to live,
I end up dancing in the pits
of darkness that always
hangs around me,
the shadows that await the
moment they can swallow
me whole.

When will these shadows
be broken by light?

"... live another day."

When there only seems to be
when the world seems to be
drenched in darkness,
how do you keep from tumbling
how do you keep on being strong
enough to live another day?

"... red liquid."

Red liquid is steadily oozing out, slowly dribbling down your arm, spreading like cobwebs over the tiles. You wince, as you make the cut, but the pain only lasts a second, and you are not satisfied. The blade in your hand slides over fragile skin, tearing flesh apart, and you try desperately to lessen the pain that resides in your heart. Because that pain lasts for longer than a second.

"... this life that I live."

Why do I have such a hard time living, when people with more pain than me are doing just fine?
Is it because I am weak, or not strong-willed enough to continue?
Do I deserve this life, if I do not value it enough?
Or should I just... Leave?

"... this pain inside."

These cuts that were once fresh
are now merely scars easily hidden.
They have healed and they do not hurt,
unlike the wounds within,
that never seem to get better,
that always stings and reminds me of
the past I so want to forget.
How can I ever move on,
when they keep holding me back,
how can I ever live a normal life,
when most of the time,
I wish for nothing else but to end
this suffering that I have.

"... love them."

Children seek the attention,
of the parents around them,
hoping to be praised and
smiled upon.

They wish to be comforted
when they feel bad,
and to have their tears
wiped away when they
are sad.

All they need is to feel,
they are loved by those
who brought them into
this world.

Do not take that away
from them.

Love them,
hold them,
comfort them
and let them know
that they are the most
precious thing anyone
could ever want.

"... ett annat liv."

Du sitter där,
i mörkret av ditt rum,

önskar dig bort

från allt det onda,

önskar du kunde glömma

alla de stunder som gör

mest ont.

Att du kunde leva ett

annat liv,

där ditt hjärta inte

sved till,

där dina tårar inte är

gömda bakom stängda


En värld där du kan vara

dig själv,

leva som du vill utan

att hindras av ditt förflutna.

Ett liv där din smärta inte

är det enda som definierar

vem du är.

"... not like them."

Some days it seems as if
those days that I spent
walking the corridors of
my school without someone
to talk to,
has differed me from
everyone else,
that I do not have the same
skills to sociolize as they do.

That I do not belong.

"... teenage girl."

My front may be that
of a girl with no real
who spends all her time
with books and being
but what you do not
know is that even though I
love these things that I do,
I would rather be out there
hanging out with friends
and acting like any other
teenage girl.
But you cannot chose your
and if you were gifted with
a weak one,
you may never be like everyone

"... a long time ago."

I used to try,
try the hardest I could
to make everyone
else happy,
make them smile
even when I could not.

That was a long time
now I only try not to
get too close
in case I decide
to leave.

I may not care anymore,
about whether or not I
make people smile,
that does not mean
I would like to see them
cry instead.

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