"... red liquid."

Red liquid is steadily oozing out, slowly dribbling down your arm, spreading like cobwebs over the tiles. You wince, as you make the cut, but the pain only lasts a second, and you are not satisfied. The blade in your hand slides over fragile skin, tearing flesh apart, and you try desperately to lessen the pain that resides in your heart. Because that pain lasts for longer than a second.

"... this life that I live."

Why do I have such a hard time living, when people with more pain than me are doing just fine?
Is it because I am weak, or not strong-willed enough to continue?
Do I deserve this life, if I do not value it enough?
Or should I just... Leave?

"... this pain inside."

These cuts that were once fresh
are now merely scars easily hidden.
They have healed and they do not hurt,
unlike the wounds within,
that never seem to get better,
that always stings and reminds me of
the past I so want to forget.
How can I ever move on,
when they keep holding me back,
how can I ever live a normal life,
when most of the time,
I wish for nothing else but to end
this suffering that I have.

"... love them."

Children seek the attention,
of the parents around them,
hoping to be praised and
smiled upon.

They wish to be comforted
when they feel bad,
and to have their tears
wiped away when they
are sad.

All they need is to feel,
they are loved by those
who brought them into
this world.

Do not take that away
from them.

Love them,
hold them,
comfort them
and let them know
that they are the most
precious thing anyone
could ever want.

"... ett annat liv."

Du sitter där,
i mörkret av ditt rum,

önskar dig bort

från allt det onda,

önskar du kunde glömma

alla de stunder som gör

mest ont.

Att du kunde leva ett

annat liv,

där ditt hjärta inte

sved till,

där dina tårar inte är

gömda bakom stängda


En värld där du kan vara

dig själv,

leva som du vill utan

att hindras av ditt förflutna.

Ett liv där din smärta inte

är det enda som definierar

vem du är.

"... not like them."

Some days it seems as if
those days that I spent
walking the corridors of
my school without someone
to talk to,
has differed me from
everyone else,
that I do not have the same
skills to sociolize as they do.

That I do not belong.

"... teenage girl."

My front may be that
of a girl with no real
who spends all her time
with books and being
but what you do not
know is that even though I
love these things that I do,
I would rather be out there
hanging out with friends
and acting like any other
teenage girl.
But you cannot chose your
and if you were gifted with
a weak one,
you may never be like everyone

"... a long time ago."

I used to try,
try the hardest I could
to make everyone
else happy,
make them smile
even when I could not.

That was a long time
now I only try not to
get too close
in case I decide
to leave.

I may not care anymore,
about whether or not I
make people smile,
that does not mean
I would like to see them
cry instead.

"... years later."

I may not have been perfect,
nor was I the best,
but did you have to hurt
me so thorougly that you are all I think about,
even know,
years later.

"... struggle."

Was is the meaning of being,
if all you have to do is struggle
to feel the want to be alive?

"... my reason for living."

You brought me light,
when nothing else
but darkness was there.
You gave me laughter,
when all I had been
was a crying mess.
You brought me warmth,
when all I had felt
was the cold embrace of
So many memories we
have shared,
so many tears we have
but I always knew that
I had someone to lean
Until you disappeared.

Why did you leave,
when we were so happy
What made you write that
note and jump?
Was I such a disappointment
to you,
that you could not bare the
thought of spending another
second with me?
Or had you always been broken,
more so than me?

You could've told me anything,
I promised you that I would
But you never said a word,
never showed your pain.
And I will always have you
in my thoughts,
regretting that I never pushed
you to tell me your
most inner thoughts.

But you were such a good actor,
and I could not have known.
Why did you have to be a good
Why couldn't you have been in
less control of your emotions,
and not always held the perfect
Why wouldn't you let me help?

"... just a little bit longer."

I want to be in your arms,
not forever because I know,
that is too much to ask.
But for just a little bit longer,
I would like to hold you,
embrace you and feel your
Hold you tight as I take in
your smell,
that brings me so many
happy memories and tears.

The agony I feel,
whenever you are far away,
the rush I feel whenever
I am near,
is it too much to ask,
if only I can savour it
for just a little bit longer?

"... was I the one?"

People say that you lied,
that I was never the one at fault.
But I cannot make myself believe them,
and every day I wonder,
was it really me?

"... the one to push you."

If it were not for my selfish demands,
you might've still been with me,
and I would never have lost you,
or maybe I could've been good enough
to let you go before I hurt you,
and pushed you down when
I knew you were hurting?

I am at fault for making you this way,
and I can never be sorry enough.

"... option."

What other alternative do I have?

"... if you ask me."

I would tell you everything,
if you would ask me,
every secret, every thought
that I have.
Even if it would hurt both
you and me,
I would tell,
even through the agony
and the tears
I would keep talking.

"... don't tell me lies."

There were the lies,
that people told
to make me feel
better about myself.
Did you never wonder
that they might've
made me feel worse,
knowing that you
did not mean a word?

"... they are my life."

And I no longer meant something
to anyone.
No longer did they need me,
nor did they want me,
so I asked myself,
what do I life for?

My answer was simple,

"... ending when it's appropriate."

For suddenly I could not take it anymore,
and decided to end it all.
Living as a selfish girl, I died as one too.
Knowing that there would be no life
for me to stay in,
I decided to take it away before
everything would fall apart again.

"... no tomorrow."

And then I cry, because I know there won't be a tomorrow for you and I.

"... wipe 'em away."

I was hoping that your
tears would turn cold
and dry away,
not keep running
when I can no longer
be there to wipe them
from your pretty face.

I thought you would be
better of without me.

"... hope to be better."

Have you ever felt like
you do not recognize
yourself and who you've
Like the person staring
back at you in the mirror
isn't you?
As if you'd want nothing
else but to change
who you are and be better?

"... bättre än vad jag är."

De sätter för höga krav,
tror jag är bättre än
vad jag visar.
De tror att jag kommer gå
långt här i livet,
de sätter en press på mig
som jag inte vet om jag klarar.
Skulle det inte bara vara
bättre om jag fick
utvecklas i egen takt,
och inte bli tvingad att vara
duktigare än jag någonsin
kan bli?

"... komplimanger man inte är värd."

Jag är ingen naturbegåvning,
hur mycket andra än säger det,
kommer jag aldrig kunna tro
på det.
För hur kan jag vara det,
när jag kämpar för att saker
ska bli rätt,
medan andra kan göra det
på första försöket?

"... the role that is not seen."

Most of the time,
I feel like I don't
That I am a mere
background role
in this huge show
that we call life.
So who would
if I decided to leave?

"... leave it."

Keep walking,
look straight ahead
and never look back.
The past may come
back to hunt you,
but do not let
it be today.

"... so wrong."

And suddenly,
every emotion
and every action
seemed so wrong.
When did life
become like this?

"... when in love."

When your heart seems to be
alight with fire,
and the ripest red apple could
not rival with your face,
when you feel that your stomach
is filled with thousands of
it is easy to figure out,
that you are in love.

"... difficulty."

Sometimes, even the best persons fall, and even they have a hard time standing up again.

"... trying so hard."

I try to smile
even when
I'm down,
and I
to laugh,
even when
I'd rather

try to
not let it
how much
I hurt,
but really,
I do know,
how much
I fail.

Inte menat att vara.

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Det finns dagar då mitt sinne är så mörkt att jag knappt kan se något förutom svärta,

och det gör förjävla ont att se hur solen skiner och allt är som vanligt när jag

inombords sakta ruttnar bort.

Jag kan vissa gånger känna hur mitt hjärta bankar i mitt bröst så hårt i hopp om

att släppas fri från sitt fängelse, och det finns gånger då jag kan känna de små sår

min själ bär, de som växer sig större för var dag.

Hur jag klarat mig såhär långt vet jag inte, för många gånger om har jag tänkt på

att ta mitt liv, och avsluta det sista kapitlet.

Men jag är nog rädd ändå, för döden, även fast jag säger att jag inte är det. Jag är

nog rädd för att bli bortglömd eller ihågkommen som ”tjejen som gav upp.”

Jag finns kvar för att jag vill inte orsaka min familj, min underbara och älskade

familj onödigt med smärta, för även om jag själv inte förstår varför,

så skulle de sörja min död, och jag vill inte att de ska gråta på grund av mig.

Och mina vänner, de som fått mig att tvinga fram ett leende så att de ska vara

glada, de underbara människor som förtjänar en bättre vän än vad jag någonsin kan

vara. Det finns dagar då jag önskar vi aldrig hade träffats, för det skulle bli en person

mindre som jag skulle behöva tänka på, och få skuldkänslor av när jag mår som


Känna skuld för att jag är så svag, som inte orkar med livet som alla andra människor,

vissa som haft det så mycket svårare än vad jag har.

För vad är lite mobbing jämfört med våldtäkt, förlorade föräldrar, att leva ute utan mat och utan kläder?

Vad har jag att klaga över?


Mina tårar är en svaghet, mina känslor gör mig ynklig.

Nu förtiden klarar jag knappt av att se mig själv i spegeln, rädd för att jag faktiskt ska se det äckliga som finns inom mig, den där patetiska lilla människan som inte gör annat än gnäller.

Jag är rädd för att se mitt riktiga jag, den som jag döljer bakom smink och fejkade leenden, bakom de nervösa skratten och fasaden av en ordentlig person som gör sina läxor, och som sköter det jag ska sköta.

Många gånger har jag velat ge upp, många gånger har jag velat sticka en kniv i pulsådern, eller dränka mig själv. Ta kål på mig själv, och allt det jag representerar. För jag gör inget gott,

så som jag vandrar här och sprider mitt fläckade blod, får människor att må dåligt och stör den frid som skulle finnas om jag försvann.

Hur bra skulle inte ni må, när ni väl vant er vid att jag inte finns längre, och inser att jag förpestat er luft, och att det är bättre så här. Ni kan tänka att jag gjort plats för en till människa, en flicka eller pojke som förtjänar platsen mer än vad jag någonsin gjort.


Förlåt för all den smärta jag må ha orsakat, det var inte meningen.

Och tack för att ni funnits där för mig även när ni inte behövt, men ibland är det bäst att släppa taget. Allting är inte menat att vara. Mitt liv är inte menat att vara.


Med vänliga hälsningar.

Svenska redovisning

Vad är döden?


Är det då man slutar andas, slutar existera, eller är det något annat som även det kan kallas för död?


Biologiskt vis, så är döden när alla organ slutar fungera, och man börjar förmultna och inte längre har någon hjärnaktivitet, eller när hjärtat slutat slå. Man anses vara död när man inte längre kan reagera genom att öppna ögonen eller röra ens ett finger. Det är då som man har nått sitt slut, och även då man är död. Efter döden finns ingenting, biologiskt sett, förutom att ens kropp sakta ruttnar under jorden.


Sedan kan man ju även se på döden på ett religiöst sätt, för även om man processen är likadan som den biologiska, så anser många religioner att det finns ett liv efter döden, eller att man fortsätter leva ett nytt liv, i en ny kropp och som en ny individ. Den klassiska förklaringen på vad som händer efter döden är att man antingen åker till himlen eller helvetet beroende på om man varit god eller ond.


Jag valde att prata om döden, eftersom att det är något som jag ofta funderat över, och det är även min inspiration när jag skriver, den där minuten innan man försvinner från livet för alltid. Jag har ofta undrat över om det verkligen finns något liv efter döden, och hur det skulle se ut där. Skulle det vara en fredlig plats, eller skulle det se ut som våra liv gör nu? Skulle man vara lycklig där, eller känna alla känslor som man känner dem i denna stund?


Och om det inte finns något liv efter detta, vad händer då? Föds vi åter igen på denna jord utan några som helst minnen, och lever ett nytt liv? Det finns många människor som sagt att de minns sitt förra liv, så då har jag ofta frågat mig själv; Kan det vara sant? Att man verkligen föds på nytt. Alla har väl någonsin känt att de varit någonstans, även fast de egentligen aldrig varit där? En känsla av deja vu, som de egentligen inte kan beskriva, men känner ändå: Det här har hänt förut, eller herregud, om jag svänger höger så kommer det se ut sådär.


Sedan var det ju det här med vare sig döden bara uppenbarar sig på ett sätt, och det är när man slutar fungera, eller om det finns olika sorters sätt att dö på. Och nu menar jag inte att man dör i en bilolycka, eller om man dör av cancer.


Nej, jag undrar om man kan dö själsligt, och ändå existera. För det finns ju många människor som vandrar på denna jord, och kan inte känna känslor och har svårt att se vad som händer härnäst. De har tappat hoppet om att livet någonsin ska bli bra, och det kan ju kallas för en själslig död. Alltså behöver det inte betyda att döden är när man inte längre finns, i fast form. Det kan även menas när ens psyke har gett upp, och man vandrar jorden utan någon mening eller syfte.

"... I am ready."

You stand there,
your eyes
transfixed with the
image of yourself
in the broken mirror
before you.

Your fingers keep
tracing the sharp
though not even
the sting of the cuts
can distract you
from your thoughts,
your regrets that you
never told anyone
what you truly felt.

But would they have
you keep asking your-
over and over again
as the gashes
deepen and the blood

Why would they care,
you silently wonder
as you reach with
your bloody hands
towards the mirror,
dragging your fingers
down the cold glass,
watching your image
as it is tainted with
the red liquid.

The door to the room
creaks open,
but you do not even
bother to turn around,
for as you feel hands
running over your body,
you do not have the power
to do anything,
but slip into oblivion.

"... failing."

I seem to fail at everything I do,
and when I really try,
not even then does anything go

"... return to me."

You stole my heart,
and yes I do know
how cheesy it sounds,
but could you please
return it to me?

You've had it for far
too long.

"... memory of you."

The memory of you is stuck in my mind,
like a poison it runs through my veins
holding me as a prisoner to its
hurtful jabs.
Like the most obnoxious curse,
you refuse to leave me.

"... so in love."

You can cry on my shoulder
when things get tough,
you can snap at me when
you feel as if the world is
against you.

When you no longer need

I will let you go,
even if it hurts me more than
anything else.

'Cause that's just how much

I love you.

"... gå."

Jag har svårt att släppa
det som varit,
och gå vidare med mitt

Smärtan från det förflutna
lever kvar,
och håller om mig så hårt
att jag ibland kvävs.

Jag skulle göra vad som helst,
ifall någon kunde lätta
på trycket och låta mig gå...

Gå mot en ljusare framtid,
där jag inte förföljs av
det som hänt.

"... loving is difficult."

How can you let go,
and tell someone
how much you love
when you are so
afraid of getting hurt
and left alone by those
you hold dear?

"... touch the ground."

When you feel that you will soon
touch the ground,
please take my hand and let
me help you stand again.

"... I'll be there."

When you cry,
a piece of my
heart crumbles
into nothing,
and I want
nothing else
but to take you
in my arms
and hug you
until you feel
calm enough
to fall asleep,
and I'll watch
over you
until you are
safe enough to
be left alone
without hurting.

"... tears drop."

Never cry in front of the one person you are trying not to hurt. That person might think that your tears are caused by him/her.

"... i do not deserve you."

Don't turn away from me,
'cause I don't want to see
your back turned towards
me when I can see your
beautiful smile.

Please do turn away
whenever I cry,
'cause I don't want you
to see my tears.

Hold my hand whenever
you feel like it,
'cause whenever you do,
I'll make sure you
feel as loved as you
deserve to be.

Whenever you cry,
please let me hold you
in my arms,
'cause I hate to see you
in pain.

If you say goodbye,
I will break,
but not until you've
'cause I'd hate to see
you hurt.

"... you."

For hours,
I can think
of only you.

For minutes,
I can spend
away from you,
before I start

was all it took
for me to fall.

"... for those who care."

This text is for the ones
who care,
for those who have taken
their time to aid me
and waste their time on
trying to make me feel

First of all,
I think it would be to
show respect if I thank
you all,
and tell you that I am
grateful for everything
you have done,
and that I would've never
been here if it weren't for

Second of all,
I would like to tell you,
that sometimes I wish
you wouldn't have been
a part of my life,
not because I don't love
but because sometimes I
wish I could die,
and you stop me from doing
just that.

Third of all,
most of the time,
I wish I could be as good
as you are,
and not hinder you in any-
thing you wish to achieve in
so I am sorry,
for bothering you and for
keeping you from all the
good parts in life.

This text is for those who care,
for those people that have
been on my side for so long,
and not wavered once,
I love you, I thank you
and I tell you I am sorry.

For this might as well be
the last night of my life,
and even though I
cannot tell you enough words,
I hope you can read between
the lines,
and know that you are not at

"... life in its truest form."

Not quite what I ought
it to be,
I watch as life as it is
unravels before me,
showing me the true
colours of what
everything is,
and even though it
is so early on,
I am kind of glad
that it happened now
instead of fifty years
or so into the future.

What would my reaction
have been then,
knowing everything that
I had known to be a

"... not lovers."

You say,
"I could never love you."
smiling at me like
nothing was wrong.

What you did not
was even though I
asked it only as
a joke,
it was no joke for

"I love you",
I whisper in my sleep,
every night.

"I wish.."
Every day,
that you would be

"... the boy who left."

His smile used to light up the room,
his laughter leave a warm feeling
in the chest of every person present.

One day,
his smiles could not be seen,
his laughter not heard.

'Cause one day,
he was no longer there,
for he had decided to end it all,
not wanting to live anymore.

"We did not know,
how he felt,
but if only he had told us,
we would've helped."

What he did not know,
was that there were people
that loved him,
and that he was never alone,
even when he thought so

He did not know,
that when he left,
many hearts were broken,
and minds betrayed,
wondering what they did

If someone had been
perspective enough to see,
see his hurt and pain,
if they had told him
"I love you,
just the way you are",
would things have been

Or would nothing have
been changed?

"... never say."

I would never say,
"I hate you",
to someone I love,
but I would also
never say,
"I love you",
when the time
is right.

"... when you don't know."

Hands raised high above,
palms facing the sky,
tears ringling down,
a sad smile forming,
and the rain falls,
hiding the pain,
everyone else thinking,
"who is that lunatic,
standing in the rain,
'cause they do not
that she is about to
do the only thing left
for her.

"... don't."

Don't cry when you can smile,
don't fall if there is no one
there to catch you,
don't love someone if
you can't get the same love
in return.

"... succumb not."

Do not drown,
keep away from
the shadows,
and try and be
for me and for
everyone else,
who love you
and always will

"... selfish of me."

When the tears are still
when the life has not fully
reached its end,
when you still are aware and
I would like to tell you,
that I am sorry,
for not staying when I
for leaving when my life
was still moving.

But you have to hear me
know that I did not want
to leave you,
I just had to,
'cause I am suffocating
in this world,
and you were the reason
I stayed this long.

I am sorry,
for not keeping my
but I wanted to be
selfish once,
and be happy,
even if it meant ending
my life.

"... loving you is the hardest thing."

What a fool I have been,
thinking that you would
ever think of me,
as someone to love,
when you have only had
eyes for one girl,
and that is not me.

Would you believe me,
if I said good-luck,
and that I wish you
all the happiness in
this world?

Or would you think
that I am jealous,
for not being there
for hiding in the dark,
not wanting to see you
two in love,
when my heart is broken?

But I do wish you
all happiness,
even when I am away.
For you, I'll do anything,
but watch you kiss a
person that is not me,
I'll endure anything,
as long as I don't
have to watch.

"... the boy, the devil."

With the wind blowing,
sakura leaves
swirling along,
we watch the lonely
standing beneath the
pink tree,
watching the rays of
sunligt that shine through,
and we all wonder,
"what is he thinking,"
believing that it is
something of great
for his eyes are closed,
brows creased in
and his lips set in a
thin line.

I stand there,
knowing that they are
wishing that they would
look away,
I adapt a look of
hoping that it will fend
them off,
wanting to be left alone
with my thoughts,
knowing that they would
never know,
how it is to be like me,
trying to fend of the world
when they believe you are
the devil himself.

"... these sacrifices."

The blood is for the wicked,
for those with no heart,
oh, they use it for their
schemes and rituals,
chanting in unknown
and with their hands
held high,
they await their award
for their sacrifice.

And there are those
that wonder,
"what do they do?",
and no answer
comes to mind,
for they do not think,
no, they do not think
as the others,
those who they talk
for if they did know
how those minds
worked, if they
did know,
they would never ask
that question again.

For these bodies that
does not harbour a heart
or any feelings,
these souls have been
by those around
or by others that do
not care,
and by doing these
they believe that they
will gain,
everything they have

"... opposites attract."

There are people who
why you and I are
so close,
when we are so
but what they do
not understand is
that opposites
and that you and I
complete each other
in a way no other
person could do.

"... for you, I'll do it."

Tears are for the lonely,
pain is for the strong,
but how do I do,
to keep you from
going there?
Oh, how do I keep you,
from going there,
'cause you do not
deserve to be locked away
in a place like that.
Oh, you should be some-
where that has shining
faces and where the
sun never goes down.
But how do I keep you
from the dark,
and guide you to light?
Oh, I wish I could,
could change this world,
and make you smile,
but this is not something
I can do,
but oh, dear,
I will be here,
day and night,
watching you until
you no longer need my

"... maybe you and I."

Oh, the time has gone,
how did we not notice?
Cary on like we do,
and we will not succeed.
But oh, what will we do,
to change our ways?
How will it go,
before we fall apart?
Oh, we need to change,
if we want to succeed.
But you and I,
we do not do things,
even if we are told to.
Oh, you and I,
maybe we are not
meant to be.
You and I,
maybe we are not
meant to be.

"... never meant to be."

You stand there,
on the edge of
the cliff,
silently wondering
as you watch over
the waves that
crashes against the
"What have I done
with my life?"

You fall,
your hurting mind
gets soothed by
the pinching pain
of the cold,
your body crashing
against stones,
spreading through
as you embrace
the darkness
dwelling inside.

"Goodbye world,
and thank you,
for making me
that I was never
meant to be."

"... weak enough."

I am not the only person in pain,
I am the only person weak enough
to need to shout it out.

"... cry."

Sometimes the loudest songs are the ones that make you cry.

"... remembering nothing."

I miss the smile that I had,
when I was just a child,
the warm and bubbling
laughter that broke through,
even when there wasn't
anything to laugh at.

I miss the feeling of
of not having every
problem you've faced
heavily upon your

And when I think back
to the memories that
I have,
it makes me realize,
that I don't remember
any of it.


"... thoughts that circle."

Thoughts may not always be well written,
and sometimes the wording comes
through as confusing.

But they come to be as they
come to float through my mind,
not always in order,
and sometimes not making any
sense at all.

"... disgusted with myself."

I can still feel the blade,
sliding across my skin,
ghosting over the
already blood soaked
scars and wounds.

I can still feel the sting,
the sharp wake up
that comes everytime
it nicks my skin.

And some days,
I still crave the
want to do it again.

"... twisted mind."

Some think that is is a joke,
that I can't be fucking serious,
that it is sick and twisted.
But what do you do,
when that is how your
mind works,
and you can't help
the thoughts that you have,
that you can't stop
them from popping up?

"... when you fall."

I set my goals high,
not understanding
that I would never
be able to reach them,
that I would fall only
a few feet from the ground.

And I did not understand,
that even though the fall
was not great,
the impact hurt a lot
more than it should have.

"... daylights and nighttime."

When it is light,
and the sun shines,
I hide myself,
try to act happy
and carefree,
though sometimes
it is too hard,
and I fail and hide.

When darkness falls,
and night has come,
I lie in my bed,
fearing for life,
questioning everything
I have been taught.
I fight back tears,
and will myself
not to stand up
and leave the existence
that I have built
up for myself.

"... the question asked."

How do you notice,
when someone is
falling apart?

How do you see,
when someone is
faking a smile,
and when it is

How do you know,
that the happiest
of persons,
does not cry
when going to

How do you know,
that the person
you believe to know,
is not at all like that?

How do you know
anything at all?

The answe is quite simple.
You do not know,
for you can never be
quite certain.

"... downhill."

When you feel like
everything is going
you either fight it,
or you fall a victim
to its hurtful venom.

"... you are truly the best."

I can't seem to tell you,
how much I truly love
and appreciate the
things you do.

The words seem to
get stuck,
and I have a hard
time breathing,
let alone speak.

So I lash out,
and snap at you
when you least
deserve it.

Forgive me.

"... thank you."

You are wonderful,
caring and loving,
take care of our
every need.

You spoil us,
and yet we

You do things
for us that
other kids
does themselves,
and yet we

How did two
such wonderful
human beings,
that has suffered
end up with
children that whine,
and doesn't seem
to appreciate
everything that
you do?

"... be proud."

I am not athletic,
and I know that
even though you
won't admit it,
it disappoints you.

I am not a positive
and even though you
I never open up
to you.

I am not the
daughter you
wished for,
but I really hope,
that you can love
me all the same.

Because I love you,
even though there
are days that
I don't show it.

"... you can be proud."

You taught me that
when I want to,
I can be strong,
and that I can stand
by your side
and not fear
that you will be
ashamed of me.

You can be proud
of me,
and not hide behind
your hand.

"... go, leave."

If you said;
I would listen,
and turn to walk away,
'cause I live to make
you happy.

"... stand alone."

I do not know how to,
so I continue being who I am.
Even when I would do almost everything to change,
and be a better person.
A person who doesn't seem to crave pity,
and a person that can stand on her own and not fall.

"... continue walking."

I say that it has to stop,
that I can no longer
keep on walking.

But why do I still continue,
even when all I want to do,
is crumble,
and let myself fade away.

"... once upon a time."

There was a time,
when my mind was filled
with voices,
screaming at me,
taunting me,
egging me on,
telling me to do things I
would never consider doing.

But then came a day,
when all I could hear,
was the silence,
sweet and serene,
it held me in its embrace
as I clutched my chest
with joy,
having broken through
the surface.

"... not easily hidden."

Weakness is not something
that you can easily control.

Strength is not something
that you can easily embrace.

Tears are not something
that you can easily stop,
once they start falling.

Pain is not something
that you can easily hide,
if you are not the best

"... the story of your life."

The music that you listen to,
the words that seem so familiar,
how can they evoke such pain
inside your heart,
how is it that so much emotions
can be brought forth,
by only hearing the song,
the lyrics that seem to speak your
minds secrets,
the melody that tugs at your
how is it,
that someone who doesn't know you
has never seen you,
knows the story of your life?

"... hemlig kärlek."

Jag håller ditt ansike mellan mina händer,
känner ditt silkeslena hår mot mina fingrar,
medan jag sakta lutar mig framåt,
min blick genomborrad av din
när våra läppar möts,
och denna rörelse, knappt någonting alls,
får hela mitt hjärta att brinna
av en stark längtan att vara med dig,
att kunna hålla din hand medan alla
andra ser på.
Men vår kärlek, denna brinnande passion
av ödmjukhet och hat
måste förevigt hållas i skuggan,
skyfflas under mattan för du och jag,
vi är inte menade att vara.

"... the one for me."

When you came to be,
I got so caught up in you,
that I forgot about the
black abyss,
that had been my life
for so long,
and my world,
so devoid of emotions,
was suddenly filled,
with thousands of
and you made me
the happiest person
to ever be alive.
Because you were the one,
you were the one.

"... rain."

keeps falling,
trails down,
keeps hiding,
keeping my,
tears away,
from everyone,
else to see.

"... when you're not loved."

"What does it feel like,
to have someone love
you back?"

I stand there,
my hand still
stretched out
before me,
and this
question keeps
on running
through my mind.

"How does it feel,
to not have your
heart broken?"

A tear slips
down my face,
dripping down
my chin
as I fold my hand
into a fist,
digging my nails
into the soft flesh
of my palm.

"What do you do,
when he walks away?"

Cradling my head
in my hands,
I let my body
drop to the ground
as I cry,
biting my lip
to keep me
from screaming.

"How do you move on,
when he is everything
you have known?"


"... don't hide."

You say that you won't ever turn your back on me,
you say that you and I are meant to be,
but where are you,
when I need you the most?

"... hate might turn to love."

Sometimes you need to hate,
to be able to love.

Sometimes you need to hurt,
before you can stand.

Sometimes you need to cry,
before you can smile.

Sometimes you need to do
everything you don't wish to,
to be able to move on.

"... still there."

I can still hear you calling,
calling my name,
through the thickness and
that covers my brain.

I can still hear you breathing,
when I lie awake,
holding onto the memories
that I have of you.

Never forgetting,
these times that I had
with you.

"... it might not be."

"I'm never going to hurt you",
you say with such hope,
"I'm always going to love you,
'til the end of times."

"How can you promise,
such powerful things,
how can you say so,
when everything is
going to end?"

Such childish hopes,
that we held before,
before we knew
and before we had
grown up to know,
that it might not exist,
this love that we call

"... cannot hide."

You can colour
this world with
bright colours,
you can paint
over everything
that is not to
your satisfaction.
but you cannot
hide from the
truth that is
your emotions.

"... letter to no one."

Dear (blank),

I have been told, that when you feel down, and want to break down and cry, you should write about it, analyze it and then either throw it away, or keep it for later use.

But what if you don't know what it is that you feel? You have these feelings, so many of them in a jumble of thoughts, and they are so difficult to sort out, that you sometimes have a hard time breathing, so confused and torn that you can't bear the thought of going on like this for another day.
And then it all clears.

For a moment, you have a tranquil and serene silence in your head, and you relish in it, wanting to hold onto that minute or that hour for just a bit longer. But as with everything that is good, it has to come to an end.
You go back to feeling these myraids of emotions with no name, and you keep struggling to stay on your feet.


"... how do you?"

When everything else seems to fall,
you stand there,
being yourself and so fucking strong.
How do you do it?
How is it, that you can stand there
day after day,
take the shit that is thrown at you,
and still laugh?
Still smile like nothing is wrong,
and as if you are not hurting.
But whatever it is,
whatever you have to do,
I sincerely hope that it does not
hur you more.

"... varför känner jag såhär?"

Ännu en gång värmer de mina kinder,
deras väta så påtaglig,
saltet svider över den rosenröda och
väderbitna huden som sträcker sig
över kindben.

Mina händer faller halvvägs upp
till ansiktet,
så kraftlösa mot den psykiska
ohälsa som jag finner mig i.

Jag öppnar munnen,
smaken av salt så stark mot
min tunga,
ett kvidande av smärta släpps fram,
och inte för första gången undrar jag,
varför detta tryck i mitt bröst
aldrig släpper.

"... släppt taget?"

Medan jag står där,
med känslorna
svajande likt en
flagga på topp,
med ett hjärta som
oregelbundet i mitt
undrar jag huruvida,
jag borde oroa mig
ifall jag kommer att
se dig igen,
efter alla dessa år,
eller om du helt enkelt,
bestämt dig får att
låta mig gå.

"... misslyckad."

Heta tårar märker mina kinder,
och jag försöker dölja
mitt ansikte,
rädd för att alla ska se
mina misslyckanden,
och vända ryggen till.

"... förlåt för allt."

"Mamma, förlåt för att jag inte blev,
den dotter du önskade dig.
Förlåt för alla gånger,
som jag inte var stark nog för att säga
Förlåt mamma, för att jag inte kan vara
lycklig för det jag har.
Mamma, varför blev jag såhär,
varför är jag alltid så svag?
Jag kan säga förlåt tusen gånger om,
men det kommer inte att ändra allt
som redan hänt."

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